Mobility Express Master AP client connection limit

Updated on December 15

The Master AP threshold should be 25 instead of 50. The following is official Cisco document.

If there are more than 25 Access Points in a Mobility Express network, the Master AP(running the Wireless LAN controller function) can service a maximum of 20 clients. This limit only applies to Master AP and not any other Access Point in the Mobility Express network.

Maximum APs and Clients Supported

In the Mobility Express environment, when encountering client connection problems, you may see the following Log in the Debug client output.

Max client reached on AP. Sending assoc resp failure with reason code 17(max_sta)

This is probably because the number of connected clients exceeds its limit. For the Master AP, if the number of APs exceeds 50, the Master AP can connect up to 20 clients in order to protect its resources.

If there are more than 50 Access Points in a Mobility Express network, the Master AP(running the Wireless LAN controller function) can service a maximum of 20 clients. This limit only applies to Master AP and not any other Access Point in the Mobility Express network.

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