Ansible uses ad-hoc to perform tasks
In the previous article I installed Ansible on Ubuntu, in this article I will discuss how to use Ansible.
There are two ways for Ansible to perform tasks, ad-hoc and playbook. Here I will show how to use ad-hoc to perform tasks.
Create directories
Create an ad-hoc folder to store ansible.cfg / hosts and logs. Create a new logs folder in it.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~# mkdir ad-hoc root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~# cd ad-hoc root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# mkdir logs root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# ls logs root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
New ansible.cfg file
This is Ansible configuration file, there are many options, the following is my simple configuration.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# vi ansible.cfg :wq root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# cat ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = ./hosts sudo_user = root remote_port = 22 host_key_checking = False remote_user = root log_path = ./logs/ansible.log module_name = raw root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
inventory: hosts file path
sudo_user: The user who executing the Ansible command.
remote_port: SSH connection port, generally the default is 22.
host_key_checking: When we connect to an SSH client for the first time, will be prompted to enter Yes / No (related to the fingerprint key). This setting can skip this step.
log_path: log file path.
module_name: The default is “command”. If the device does not support Python, we need to use “raw”. We can add “-m raw” to the command instead.
If host_key_checking is not configured, the following error may occur.
Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this. Please add this host's fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host.
New hosts file
The hosts file stores host information, such as IP addresses.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# vi hosts :wq root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# cat hosts root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
Use the command “show ip int brief” to query the interface information.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# ansible -a "show ip int brief" -u admin -k SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Te0/0/0 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/1 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/2 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/3 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/4 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/5 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/6 unassigned YES unset up up Te0/0/7 unassigned YES unset up up GigabitEthernet0 unassigned YES NVRAM up up Capwap2 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan1 unassigned YES NVRAM up down Vlan62 YES NVRAM up up Shared connection to closed. root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
-a: The command will be executed.
-u: SSH username.
-k: Will prompt for password.
Confirm the log.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# cat logs/ansible.log 2020-05-01 03:39:24,244 p=46981 u=root n=ansible | | CHANGED | rc=0 >> Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Te0/0/0 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/1 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/2 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/3 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/4 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/5 unassigned YES unset down down Te0/0/6 unassigned YES unset up up Te0/0/7 unassigned YES unset up up GigabitEthernet0 unassigned YES NVRAM up up Capwap2 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan1 unassigned YES NVRAM up down Vlan62 YES NVRAM up up Shared connection to closed. root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
In the above example, only one device executes commands, but in fact we may need to execute commands on multiple devices at the same time – this can be achieved by editing the hosts file.
I divided the devices into two groups – [C9800] and [CSR1000V].
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# cat hosts [C9800] [CSR1000V] root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
The following commands can execute commands for specific groups.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# ansible CSR1000V -a "show clock det" -u admin -k SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> *05:38:15.596 UTC Fri May 1 2020 No time sourceShared connection to closed. root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# ansible C9800 -a "show clock det" -u admin -k SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> *00:00:14.693 UTC Fri May 1 2020 No time sourceShared connection to closed. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 05:38:27.896 UTC Fri May 1 2020 No time sourceShared connection to closed. root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
If we need to execute commands on all groups, we can use “all” parameter.
root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc# ansible all -a "show clock det" -u admin -k SSH password: | CHANGED | rc=0 >> *00:02:22.810 UTC Fri May 1 2020 No time sourceShared connection to closed. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> *05:40:34.088 UTC Fri May 1 2020 No time sourceShared connection to closed. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 05:40:36.012 UTC Fri May 1 2020 No time sourceShared connection to closed. root@haifeli-ubuntu-2:~/ad-hoc#
Introduction to ad-hoc commands
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